Cómo comprar las mejores luces LED a un precio competitivo como reemplazo de las HID?

Back in the day when incandescent lighting was the norm, replacing burnt out light bulbs was a breeze. Basically all a person had to do was take a quick look at the wattage of an old bulb and replace it with a new bulb of the same wattage. Today with the ever-growing incorportation of energy-efficient LED lighting, the task of replacking incandescent and other traditional light options with LEDs is not as simple as matching up the wattages.

Do you really know the meaning of lm/w ?

Many people looking to replace traditional lighting with LEDs assume that the wattages of the old and new bulbs should match up because they, like many others, mistakenly associate wattage with light brightness; however, wattage does not represent the brightness of light bulbs. Wattage measures the amount of energy used by light bulbs. Lumens measure brightness. Therefore, when replacking traditional lighting with LEDs, the lumens of the old and new bulbs should be matched, not the wattages.

When You Plan to Replace Traditional Lighting Easy, Visit Our Guanke Website first.

Let’s pretend you are the owner of a warehouse and you want to lower the costs of energy for your building, in addition to reducing the necessity of frequent light maintenance. You have a number of metal halide wall pack security lights installed on the outside of your warehouse and you want to replace them with LEDs, but you don’t know which wattage to pick… then visit Guanke website to view our wide range of LED light options.

Take advantage of the equivalent wattages LED corn bulbs to bright your way to home. If you need assistance determining which LED light option is appropriate to replace your traditional lighting, Guanke friendly and knowledgeable staff is happy to help.